
Gravyty’s products and software are fully accessible for all users. We know that our digital networks and communities become stronger and more valuable as we attract the widest possible range of users. Full accessibility allows all users to contribute to their Gravyty digital communities resulting in deeper and broader engagement within the community. We place a strong emphasis on ensuring that our products are accessible to all.

Compliance Areas

Section 508

Our products meet the requirements of Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to enable people with impairments or disabilities to fully use technology provided by the federal government.


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), enshrined in law the right of individuals with disabilities to enjoy products and services free from discrimination. All of our digital and online products are fully functional for all users, and meet the requirements of the ADA.


We have completed a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) to establish our product compliance with the requirements of the ADA.

Version No: 2.4

WCAG 2.1

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) set out the industry standards for ensuring that web content is open and accessible for all users. Gravyty is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant. We scan our code base using WAVE scans and follow up with human usability testing.

Accessibility Compliance in Other Regions

As a global company with customers and users in over 50 countries worldwide, we similarly follow other local standards such as the European Accessibility Act (EU), Accessibility Canada Act (Canada) and the Equality Act of the UK.

Accessible Functionality

To make our products accessible to all, we support alternative methods of navigation such as screen readers, our interfaces are fully configurable including alternative color and display choices for the visually impaired.

As part of our continuous improvement, we welcome your comments and feedback regarding the accessibility of our products to